Equal Pay for Women and Personal Branding (Taiwan)


職場女性如何贏得平等的薪水 & 個人品牌塑造-斜槓您的人生分享會

Join us for a conversation about equal pay for women and how women can get the pay they deserve in the workplace. We will also cover how to build your personal brand and differentiate yourself in the industry. Have you encountered bottlenecks and aren’t sure how to break though? Let’s talk!

1. 想爭取平等薪資的職場女性,或是想幫助身邊女性突破困境的人。
2. 想要塑造個人品牌,卻找不到辦法的人。
3. 職場遇到瓶頸,尚未找到突破的人。


Happening Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 7:30-9:30PM
活動時間:2020/03/19 (四) 19:30-21:30

Location: Room 201, No. 90, Zhongzheng Road, East District, Hsinchu City, 300
活動地點:新竹市中正路90號2樓 201教室(華碩專賣店樓上)

Parking Information: No. 110, Zhongyang Road, East District, Hsinchu City, 300 (1 minute from event location)


Only 50 seats available, register today to secure your availability.


Mandy Chung

Mandy Chung has more than 10 years of professional experience in the consumer electronics and IoT industries. She began her career as a product manager at HP and ASUS and found her passion for technology. She then moved to join a SaaS smart manufacturing startup platform that went on to raise US $ 4 million. Since 2015, she has assisted more than 1,000 IoT startups around the world with supply chain consulting and venture resource matching services. Inspired by her experience in the global startup industry, she co-founded Women in IoT to provide a community where women in the technology and IoT industries can communicate, inspire and grow.

Mandy Chung 在消費電子和物聯網行業擁有10年以上的專業經驗。職涯最初於 HP 及華碩擔任產品經理,發現了自身對科技的強烈熱情。爾後離開大企業,加入募得 4 百萬美金的 SaaS 智慧製造新創平台,自 2015 年以來,已服務 1000 多家世界各地的物聯網初創公司,提供供應鏈諮詢及創業資源媒合服務。受到自己在全球初創企業界經驗的啟發,她共同創立了Women in IoT,旨在提供一個使科技業、物聯網行業中的女性得以交流、互相啟發及成長的一個社群。
特殊榮譽:2017 年獲選加入美國國務院 International Visitors Leadership Program (2017),與 17 國創業菁英訪問聖地牙哥、丹佛 、堪薩斯城(密蘇里州) 、華盛頓特區 等城市創業生態圈。2015年 ASUS 年度最佳員工。

馮崇宇 Paul Feng

After entering the workplace, with his passion and quick adaptability, Paul has held sales and supervisor positions in four distinct industries. He has also served as the leader and trumpeter of the Jazz Orchestra, and also worked as a cross-border and wedding Host, event planner, etc., now he has set up IRCC (Innovation Research Collection Center), dedicated to bringing innovative ideas into education.

Paul 進入職場後,憑藉著其熱情與快速適應力,在四種截然不同的產業擔任過銷售以及主管職,同時也擔任爵士樂團的團長並擔任小號手,更跨界擔任尾牙、婚禮主持人、活動策畫等,現創辦 IRCC ( Innovation Research Collection Center ) ,致力將創新的理念帶入教育中。


Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to remind everyone to take precaution and do the following:

1. In order to avoid the possibility of infection, if you are experiencing any discomfort or possible illness please stay at home and join us another time.
2. Please bring a mask to attend this event
3. There will be basic supporting measures in place such as measuring body temperature and alcohol sterilization.


1. 為避免感染的可能,請有身體不適、精神不濟等狀況的朋友多多在家休息養身,歡迎以後再參加。
2. 請視個人身體狀況攜帶口罩。
3. 將有基礎配套措施:量體溫、酒精殺菌。

Mandy Chung