Become a Visionary Leader in AIoT
Women in IoT: AIOT 趨勢論壇暨物聯網女力薪資平等座談
Women in IoT: Become a visionary leader in AIOT
物聯網女力 Women in IoT 十月的論壇,將在10月26日下午1:30於南港展覽館一館會議室隆重登場。我們榮幸邀請到旅美人工智慧專家 Arisa Kuo 與我們分享最新科技走向--- AIoT(人工智慧物聯網)。當近年來最流行的物聯網IoT 遇上人工智慧 AI 將會激出什麼新的創意火花?AI 將如何與 IoT 產業進行結合?而我們將如何在瞬息萬變的AIoT 產業裡搶得先機?美國 MIT 認證的人工智慧專家 Arisa Kuo 將為我們以全球商業的角度來分析未來 AIoT 的趨勢走向,幫助我們建立長遠的目光,在國際市場上先馳得點。除此之外,我們將延續之前的薪資平等論壇,探討女性在職場上要如何為自己爭取更好的待遇。於紐約擁有15年職涯經歷的 Arisa,以及曾在法國、台灣等各科技職場擁有工作經驗、現任 UnaBiz 專案經理的 Mélissande 將分享自身的職涯故事,並獨家公開她們薪水談判的技巧。
活動時間:2:00pm – 4:00pm (1:30pm入場)
活動地點:南港展覽館一館 501會議室 (台灣國際人工智慧暨物聯網展)
Agenda 論壇流程:
1:30-2:00 報到
2:00-2:20 開場 & Women in IoT 介紹
2:20-2:30 UnaBiz 介紹
2:30-3:00 主題演講
3:00-3:20 薪資平等座談
3:20-4:00 QA
👉 對物聯網產業有興趣,想了解最新 AIoT 趨勢的妳/你
👉 想了解 MIT 專家分析人工智慧將如何與 IoT 產業結合,創造更貼近人性生活的妳/你
👉 想了解如何在美國、法國、台灣等各國職場上談判薪水、升遷的妳/你
一項針對美國MBA畢業生的研究顯示,男性畢業生的起薪平均要比女性畢業生高出7.6%。但是這份研究並不是顯示男性比女性更有工作能力,值得更高的薪資,而是男性與女性進行薪水談判的意願度。根據該調查顯示,有一半的男性畢業生在第一份工作時會主動談判起薪,但是只有八分之一的女性畢業生會進行協商,幾乎 90%的女性則完全放棄談判。尤其是亞洲女性有時更受保守的家庭觀念和社會刻板印象的束縛,擔心談判工資或要求加薪會影響自己給別人的印象,因而害怕談判去談判她們的薪資。在這次論壇中,我們將針對這個議題進行多方面的討論。我們出色的女性領導人與講者將分享她們獨門的薪水談判技巧,以及職場多樣性能為企業帶來什麼樣的好處。
A research shows that among MBA graduates in the US, the male graduates on average are getting 7.6 percent higher pay than female graduates are getting. However, this research doesn’t indicate that men are more valuable than women at work and deserve a higher pay; instead, it is about the willingness of negotiating salaries between men and women. According to the study, half of the male graduates will negotiate their salaries on their very first jobs, while only 1/8 of the female will do the negotiation. Almost 90% of women will give up doing it. Especially for Asian women, they tend to be influenced by traditional family perspectives and social stereotypes; they tend to worry about people’s eyes on them if they argue for a better, which make them afraid to negotiate their salaries. In this panel discussion, we will discuss from various perspectives in term of this issue. Our outstanding female leaders and panelists are going to share their own tips on salary negotiation and the benefits of workplace diversity for corporates.
Arisa Kuo
Arisa Kuo 為紐約人工智慧新創公司 planX AI 開發顧問並擔任戰略業務負責人,運用自身在科技業超過15年之豐富經驗,致力於開發和執行人工智慧策略,以推動客戶產品卓越發展和業務增長。她曾於美國上市科技公司 Pitney Bowes 擔任資深總監,負責領導數據分析產品創新,並管理數百萬個支援世界500強公司的全球電商解決方案。Arisa 為台灣出身,並擁有紐約行銷和金融雙 MBA 學位,同時也是麻省理工學院認證的AI策略專家。Arisa 在紐約科技業擁有15年之豐富經驗,她將運用她在AI領域的知識,分析未來智慧物聯網 (AIoT) 之趨勢,並於討論中分享她如何在職涯中展現自己的價值,為自己爭取更高的待遇。
Arisa Kuo is the Managing Director of planX AI Consulting. Dynamic, savvy, forward-thinking: She is passionate about driving AI transformation and innovations for global businesses.
Arisa has spent almost her entire career in New York, with 17 years of experience working alongside Fortune 500 and multinational brands. She has a well-rounded background in different roles and industries that adds depth to her business expertise and leadership styles. Formerly, she was Senior Director of a U.S. public tech company – Pitney Bowes, where she managed the data science innovation pipeline and led a multi-million eCommerce solution & international market initiatives that empowered top global retailers.
Arisa Kuo holds a dual-MBA degree in Marketing & Finance from Pace University of New York. She is a data science product leader trained by Pragmatic Institute, and an AI business strategist co-certified by the MIT Solan & CSAIL.
Mélissande Nzali
Mélissande Nzali為法國青年專家,擁有歐洲頂尖商學院碩士學位以及金融學士學位。曾於跨國食品零售公司擔任專案經理,負責推動實體通路數位化以及消費者體驗專案。在此經歷之後,她希望能挑戰更技術性的職位。她目前在一間以推動大型 IoT 專案為目標的台灣/法國新創UnaBiz擔任專案經理,負責提出並管理IoT解決方案專案。
Mélissande Nzali is a French young professional who graduated in business studies. She has a bachelor’s degree from France and a master’s degree from a top European business school from Portugal. After a first experience working as a project manager digitizing the stores and customer experiences of a multinational food retailer in Lille, she wanted to try out for more technical positions. She has been working for half a year now as a project manager for IoT solutions projects in asset tracking and utility management in Taipei for Unabiz, a Taiwanese/French startup that aims at empowering Massive IoT around the world.
Mandy Chung
Mandy Chung 為物聯網女性組織(Women in IoT)的創辦人,在消費電子和物聯網行業擁有超過十年的專業經驗。在幫助過全球超過五百多家物聯網 startup 將其想法從概念推向市場的過程中,Mandy 受到自身在全球新創生態圈職涯的經驗啟發,發起了一項名為“Women in IoT”的社群。旨在倡導科技女力,並鼓勵科技業及物聯網女性分享靈感、經驗甚至創業。憑藉著在全球物聯網新創及台灣科技業的經驗, Mandy曾於2017年受邀於美國國務院,參加其International Visitor Leadership Program計畫並訪問美國四大城市 (聖地牙哥/ 丹佛/ 肯薩斯城/ 華盛頓DC) 的新創產業。也曾於2015年榮獲華碩年度最佳員工。
Mandy Chung is the founder of Women in IoT and has over a decade of professional experiences both in e-commerce and IoT industry. Throughout her journey of helping hundreds of IoT startups taking their ideas from concept to market, she was inspired by her own career experience in the global startup circle to initiate a community called Women in IoT. Aiming to promote women representation in the technology industry, Women in IoT frequently invited ladies in the leading position in the IoT and tech world for a speech and encouraged them to share their inspiration, experiences or even start their own initiatives. With her experience in the global IoT startup circle and Taiwanese technology industry, in 2017, Mandy was invited by the United States Department of States to join the International Visitor Leadership Program and visit the startup industry in 4 major cities of the US. In 2015, she was awarded as Employee of the year by ASUS.
UnaBiz 優納比
UnaBiz 優納比為一間物聯網新創公司,從產品設計、硬體、軟體、到通訊服務,為客戶提供完整的物聯網解決方案。優納比希望結合人類與科技的力量,實現更智慧、簡便的生活,創造緊密相連的物聯網世界。優納比的物聯網服務不僅易於擴充且能快速佈建,同時也具備高效節能的優勢,為客戶提供最具成本效益的物聯網應用。優納比於2018年和政府單位簽訂合作方案,目前商業規模也正持續地成長。
UnaBiz is an IoT startup company. From product design, IoT equipment, software installation and connecting service, Unabiz provides comprehensive IoT solutions to clients. Through the connection of people and technology, UnaBiz aims to achieve a more convenient, smarter life, creating a highly connected IoT world. The IoT service of UnaBiz is not only easy to expand and install, but also has the advantage of low-power, which is able to offer the most efficient IoT solution for clients. UnaBiz has signed up a cooperation project with the government in 2018. Currently, it has been continuously developing its business scale.
Women in IoT 物聯網女力
Women in IoT 希望集結任職在台灣及世界各地各半導體業、代工廠、系統方案商、物聯網相關科技業的女性們,提供一個可以交流、激盪創意、討論職場平等及創業主題的社群平台。在以男性為主科技產業中,有許多的優秀女力擔任專案中的重要推手,從各種 PM 到工程師,他們克盡己職,活用自己的協調性並擅長處理公司大大小小的難題。然而,她們往往並沒有真正了解到自己獨一無二的能力,體認到自己不可或缺的價值。Women in IoT期許成為她們發揮自己的才華,分享彼此的經驗,互相激勵、啟發或集結創業資源的女力平台。
In an effort to bring women in the Internet of Things and technology together, Women in IoT is a community providing a platform for interaction, brainstorming, discussion for workplace equality and startup ideas. Within the male-dominated field of technology, there are a great number of women in charge of key positions. From Project Managers to engineers, they spare no effort to their job, make good use of their own coordination skills and solve a wide range of problems within the company. However, they don’t usually truly understand their outstanding capability and indispensable values at work. Women in IoT aims to become a highly engaging, proven educational community of empowering women, inspiring more women to mentor, network and grow in tech fields.
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